Friday, August 21, 2009

kakt dah ade boyfriend

masa tu mama, ibu nah ngan sepupu mak aku datang. lepas dieorang balik, tiba2 kakt dtg ngan boyfriend dia. laa, x kenal pon. wah, kakt moga dpt kawin ngan dia. bagus la kakt ade boyfriend.


  1. good to have but must be very2 carefull..i know you and our family style, betul2 lurus, sincere dan terlampau percaya that no doubt we all can;t deny because that is "addin" amalan agama sebenar..but in this new world of everything sometime a little bit of sceptical is needed just to ensure we know our do's and don'ts as precaution & preventive after all the nightmares you have gone thru.
    we all still believe , Allah will always be with his good believer & follower...InsyaAllah you will get one really nice & good guy with iman and amal yg sempurna to really take care of you.

    luv...ayah nash

  2. yeah,i agree with ayah nash,we all...err..i dont know how to say it...hehe..

  3. lagi satu,mana ko tau itu `crush' kakt???heishhh!main tulis...jer!

  4. ayah nash sy x faham ape ayah nash ckp?
